After the funds were raised, our on-site staff members, Chambule and Victor, at the Sunshine Village Project in Muchenguentava met with the families to list out the requirements that were expected for them to receive the award. Among these requirements were: planting all of their 450 cashew trees, proper care of the saplings to ensure they thrive and grow, maintenance of their farming plot by clearing the weeds and grasses growing around the saplings, and creating fire breaks between their plot and those around them. The families set to work under the guidance and watchful eyes of Chambule and Victor.
Of the 100 families participating in the Village Project, 64 families met the requirements. Each family was given choices of rewards based on the common needs of the community. Chambule and Victor compiled a list, purchased the requested items, and had them all divided up and ready for presentation in the warehouse at the Sunshine Villages factory.
Additionally, each family would also receive seeds to plant on their farms to produce lettuce, couve, cabbage, and tomatoes. These seeds will provide food for the families until the cashew saplings grow into productive trees.
Before the families arrived, I walked through the collection of awards laid out in the warehouse. Each pile had a box of Sunshine Nut Company cashews propped on top of the requested items and taped to it was a piece of paper listing the family name. I read each name as I gave thanks for the privilege it is to offer hope and opportunity to these families that live in poverty. I felt emotional as I surveyed what they asked for. It was so simple and basic. It was a concrete demonstration before me of how little they had in this world. They asked for…
building materials for their homes (such as cement, metal sheets for their roofs, and caniso- the grass reeds used for the walls of their homes),
plastic chairs,
pots, food (oil, rice).
The day of the presentation of awards arrived. Rains delayed people from coming, but one by one and in small groups they started to arrive.
Believe it or not, the very first person to arrive was the very woman pictured in the original Facebook post with Don!
The longest wait was for the government leaders who were to come. We could not start without them. So, the people began singing and dancing to pass the time.
Once the leaders had all arrived, Chambule conducted the meeting. He reviewed the requirements that had been set and read the list of families who had success in meeting these requirements.
The local government leaders gave speeches and encouraged the people to continue working hard and tending their farms.
Awards were presented to a few families so that photographs could be taken with the attending government officials.
Then all of the families were invited to come and take possession of their awards. Lots of rejoicing and smiles filled the room as people went to see their awards.
Finally, everyone was given a tour of the mini factory where they will one day shell their cashew harvest to add value and thereby increase their income. These families have watched from outside as this land was cleared, the factory built, and the equipment delivered and installed. They had to have been extremely curious to know what was going on inside.
Men tried out the equipment used to crack open the hard cashew shells and demonstrated to each other how to do it correctly.
They checked out the machinery that they will use to shell their cashew harvests. They looked over and explored everything. To say they were excited would be a major understatement.
It was exciting for Don and me to see them in this factory that was envisioned and constructed for their benefit. We were so happy to share it with them.
It was the best of days: A day to see the impact we are having in making the world a better place. A day to celebrate hard work and effort. A day to bless and be blessed. A day to remember.
You guys continue to amaze and inspire me! Sorry I missed out on participating. I won't next time.